Many churches tell you what to believe. FCC never will. 

Before joining, we simply ask, “Do you want to follow Jesus?” If the answer’s Yes- whatever that Yes means for you- we’re good with it; you’re a member. We trust you, because you’re a beloved child of God.

But that doesn’t mean we stand for nothing! Indeed, our goal is helping people build spiritually satisfying lives that work for modern times. Here’s a list of values we aim to nurture. They don’t work for every church, but they inspire us:

  • Compassion - Call this value our north star, since Jesus said- over and over and over- to love.  Matthew 25:40
  • Delight - God is awesome, God’s world amazing.  Let’s not merely endure this life, but rejoice and be glad. Nehemiah 8:10
  • Curiosity - There’s always more to discover about God, other religions, ourselves.  God is still speaking!  Psalm 139:17-18
  • Wisdom - We could judge others, or try to learn from others.  The second option seems best to FCC. Proverbs 4:5-6
  • Inclusion - God didn’t create us to think, love or look the same.  We’re stronger when united by love, not conformity. Galatians 3:38
  • Resilience - To stand for justice, love your enemy, help the suffering- i.e. follow Jesus!- is tough. We’ll help you keep getting back up.  Romans 5:3-5
  • Community - Loneliness and fear threaten folk daily.  But we’re made to be together, to better each other.  1 John 4:7-8
  • Advocacy - God doesn’t just want you to be good. God hopes you’ll give your life to greater than you.  Ephesians 4:1

We’re a church in the denomination called “The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).”

Yes, that’s a long, clunky name. No, it’s not a cult. Yes, the red chalice with a diagonal cross is our “logo.”

FYI, we’re the first American-born denomination, way back in 1806. We cherish ideas like freedom, responsibility, unity and justice. Go to to learn more.

Here are the Cliff Notes:

  • Open Table - All are welcome to communion, and all means ALL.  Seriously, just come eat the Lord’s Supper with us, since it’s Christ’s table anyway, and he LOVES you.
  • Weekly Communion - Communion to us is like air. If it’s good, why not have more?!  Sure, some feel that makes things stale and boring.  But they don’t have to be. In fact, it can feel like the weekly strength to keep striving, serving, thriving.
  • Believer’s Baptism - With respect to other Christians, we don’t sprinkle infants. Rather, we fully dunk folks old enough to say yes to following Jesus. It symbolizes complete commitment, though if you were infant-baptized (like Pastor Shane) that’s wonderful too.  
  • All are Ministers - Yes, the pastor usually preaches. But Elders preside at communion, and help with care. Members start and lead ministries.  We’re the same before God because God loves everyone the same.
  • Unity is our dream - It’s sad how divided everyone seems these days. We could be one, should be one, if not for sins like racism or homophobia, if not for our chronic indifference to listening, to agreeing to disagree.  Disciples try to another way, one of real unity, of love.
  • Justice must be done - Too many think prayer and worship are enough.  But Jesus prayed, “God’s Kingdom come on earth,” i.e. abundant life for all life (John 10:10). Our Christian duty is to make this real.

Come join us for Sunday Service at 10:00 a.m.

1705 Taylor Road
Montgomery, AL 36117
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Mailing Address:
PO Box 240491
Montgomery, AL 36124

First Christian Church is a progressive community of faith within the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Our mission guides our life together at FCC and in our community as we “demonstrate and proclaim God’s joyful, unconditional love in an inclusive environment of spiritual growth and nurture for God’s children.”

© Copyright 2025 First Christian Church